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Comic 1344 - Filler: Fallout, Page 9

25th Apr 2024, 11:00 PM in Rainy Day Filler
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Filler: Fallout, Page 9
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Author Notes:

25th Apr 2024, 11:00 PM
Adam C.
Heheh..... Yeah, was split between just what Christina's reaction to Adeel's sudden-but-inevitable-betrayal might be, but really liked settling on her deciding to just go along with it and get "captured." Especially since she also offers to make lunch for both of them, showing that she cares about Adeel and wants him to be taken care of.

Yeah, just sheer cuteness here; about all I got on that one. ^^
26th Apr 2024, 12:27 AM
Martin F.
Yeah, kind of just more goofy fun here. I enjoy having Christina play along with this twist in the conversation while clearly still not exactly being enthusiastic about doing so, does definitely feel appropriate for her.

Adam actually handled this one all on his own, no involvement from me beyond giving the okay on it since my sleep's been screwy. So yeah, not the easiest one for me to comment on given that, but hope everyone enjoys.


26th Apr 2024, 1:03 AM